Reliable Humic Acid Supplier


More than 20 years of intensive R&D experience in Humic Acid and advanced own facility, has enabled
we being one of global humic acid market leaders..

Fulvic acid---How Are They Formed?

Fulvic acid---How Are They Formed?

Fulvic acid is a derivative of microbial degradation of humic substances. Microorganisms are essential to the process. Each gram of healthy top soil has in excess of four billion microorganisms that participate in manufacturing bio-chemicals essential to healthy plants and animals. If they were to fail our lives would cease. A better perspective of their importance can be gained by looking at the work they do. Microorganism activity in preparing one acre of top soil, expends the equivalent energy of 10,000 people doing the same amount of work in the same amount of time.








01. 04. 2018